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miniature baby cast jewellery in solid gold with angelcasts manchester and london gold jewellery
mothers day manchester gifts and luxury london casting jewellery
bronze baby casts manchester and london luxury life casting artists ami crabb angelcasts


It may be too late to book in to gift a final beautiful piece but it isn't too late to gift the moment and have fun â€‹make a beautiful piece to cherish for a life time. Gift something truly special this Mothers day.


Last orders:

Gift Vouchers and Print Kits - First class signed for by Thursday 17th & next day Friday the 18th before 11am.


All print kits and vouchers will be gift wrapped ready to gift on Mothers Day.


MDAY23 - 10% off any casting gift voucher


FURMDAY23 - £20 off any pet print jewellery for all those fur baby mums out there.


GMDAY23 - £20 off any gold jewellery 


Offers valid from 14th March - 18th March.


Gift Vouchers

Pet Print Jewellery

Gold Jewellery

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